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Climate-conscious living

Solutions and ideas with a future

Fortunately, we feel the need to shape things, get involved, change things and share our enthusiasm and solidarity. Guerrilla gardening, public bookcases, repair cafés and initiatives to combat food waste are just some of the ways we have already taken as a society. One thing has also become clear to us: Strategies for climate-conscious living start on a small scale. The first step is to be open to new ideas, question the tried and tested and raise awareness of our own carbon footprint.

How can we live a climate-conscious life? What does it take and what can we let go of? Where are strategies such as zero waste, the beyond-plastic trend or plant-based nutrition leading us? Nowadays, happiness and satisfaction are the indicators of quality of life; "better instead of more" is the motto. Environmental awareness as a life principle is gaining ground.

The new longing for clarity, order and well-being through "less is more" runs through all areas of life, from nutrition and home decor to clothing style and media behavior. Less meat on the plate, more greenery in the city, a move away from disposable products and towards a mindful use of raw materials.

Plant-based nutrition
Edible packaging materials
Beyond plastic trend
Climate-conscious cosmetics
Durable clothing
Awareness for people and nature

Zero waste has established itself as a forward-looking approach to sustainable consumption. Beyond-plastic trends are being developed by start-ups, and substitutes for film and plastic cups are emerging. The aim is: instead of disposing of and recycling packaging waste at great expense, waste should not be produced in the first place.

Plant-based products are on the rise, vegetarian and vegan diets are changing our eating habits in the long term. Minimalism is making itself felt in our lives.

Many people are focusing on living and consuming more consciously. And that's exactly what the KlimaZukunft: creating a new understanding of climate-conscious living. On a large and small scale.


In order to ensure a climate-neutral lifestyle, the following should be avoided:

Wasting food

Wasting food is bad because it leads to unnecessary environmental impacts, wastes resources such as water and energy and exacerbates climate change.

Use disposable products

The use of single-use plastic and other disposable items is not sustainable and creates a lot of waste. Instead, reusable alternatives should be preferred.

Fast fashion

Cheap and short-lived fashion leads to increased production and disposal of clothing and is therefore very harmful to the environment. Opt for sustainable and long-lasting fashion.

Excessive energy consumption

Unnecessary use of electronic devices and energy resources should be avoided.


Measures for a climate-neutral lifestyle can help to reduce your personal ecological footprint.

Local and seasonal food

Food from regional and seasonal production reduces the CO2 footprint of transportation

Vegetarian and vegan diet

The consumption of meat and animal products should be reduced, as animal husbandry makes a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.


Waste should be disposed of correctly and as much as possible should be recycled.


Purchases should be made consciously and consumption should be limited. Waste should be avoided and preference should be given to durable and sustainable products.

Energy-saving technologies

Energy-saving household appliances, LED lamps and smart home technologies reduce energy consumption.

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23-26 January 2025 

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