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Important information about the company

Imprint according to § 24 MedienG / Disclosure according to § 25 MedienG / Information according to § 5 ECG

Gender notice

However, to improve the readability of our texts, we do not use gender-specific wording and write personal nouns in the masculine form. In the interests of equal treatment, all references to persons apply to all genders and do not imply any judgment.

Media owner

Our Climate Future Association
Linzer Straße 418 Top 2
A-1140 Vienna

ZVR number: 1130325669

Contact: Contact

Phone +43 1 890 87 71 - 0
Mail info@meineklimazukunft.com

Graphic and technical realization

Highway Internet Services
DI. Rudolf Laber KG
A-1160 Vienna

Advertising agency Kasimir and me
A-3430 Tulln an der Donau

Picture credits

Image database shutterstock or provided, unless otherwise indicated. Please also note our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Liability for content and links

We are constantly developing the content of this website and endeavor to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for that provided by third parties. If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately.

Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. According to § 17 ECG, we are not liable for linked websites, as we had and have no knowledge of illegal activities, we have not noticed any such illegal activities and we would remove links immediately if we became aware of any illegal activities. If you notice any illegal links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the legal notice.


The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is intended for personal use only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as disclosure to third parties - even in part or in revised form - without the consent of the publisher is prohibited.

All content on www.meineklimazukunft.com is constantly updated and is based on information that is believed to be current and correct at the time of publication. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the content.

The content and functionality of pages that you reach from this site via links are external offers for which the respective provider is solely responsible.

Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately.

Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. You can find our e-mail address in the legal notice above. We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Info & Contact

23-26 January 2025 

© 2024


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