KlimaZukunft Austria, an exhibition for a climate-conscious life, is a conference, workshop, training course, symposium and exhibition all in one. It brings together experts with exciting know-how. It shows solutions, offers suggestions, presents products and explores new paths - both small and large. And: It raises awareness of the many ways to decide together for a climate-conscious life.
Together we can bring about positive change and create a sustainable energy future. The 24/7 society needs mobility, and preferably it needs to be economical, comfortable and sustainable. A spirit of research is required, innovations are needed that make our lives worth living for the next generations. Show the courage to act, motivate, take new paths, find out about new solutions. Because together we can achieve more.
Let's get started!
Albert Einstein
Those who look at the world with different eyes and see problems from a different perspective can often find better solutions. What this requires: Inspiration from outside. People who have chosen an unconventional path and who give you new ideas. Exchanging ideas and being open to new views. Asking questions and taking part in discussions that look at a problem from a completely different perspective. This is exactly what KlimaZukunft and its experts are perfect for.
Trade Visitor Day
Thursday / January 23th, 2025 / 09:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Public Exhibition - Studio 3
Friday / January 24th, 2025 / 09:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Get important information about KlimaZukunft first. Completely free and can be canceled at any time.
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KlimaZukunft has gathered partners who really want one thing: to realize the path to a climate-conscious life together. They support the trade fair with their knowledge, their experts and, of course, financially. This is how a future can emerge where we can all lead a good life.
In cooperation with the daily newspaper:
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Info & Contact
23-26 January 2025
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