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Monika Fiala EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich GmbH

CEO of EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich

The circular economy is of central importance to us and we are committed to building a consumer-friendly and efficient single-use deposit system, which at the same time reduces waste in nature. It is also particularly important to us to make the valuable resources of metal and plastic available to producers for new beverage bottles and cans. Resource conservation and sustainability are important topics that are very important not only to us, but also to the Austrian population.

13:35Deposit system explained

The circular economy is of central importance to us and we are committed to building a consumer-friendly and efficient single-use deposit system, which at the same time reduces waste in nature. It is also particularly important to us to make the valuable resources of metal and plastic available to producers for new beverage bottles and cans. Resource conservation and sustainability are important topics that are very important not only to us, but also to the Austrian population.

Monika Fiala
EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich GmbH
14:50What does the new deposit system bring in Austria?

Christian Strasser
PET to PET Recycling Österreich GmbH
Monika Fiala
EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich GmbH
Robert Nagele
BILLA & REWE International AG

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23-26 January 2025 

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